Category Archives: Episodes

How to Give a Killer Wedding Toast -004

This episode is all about how to give a killer wedding toast. If you are the best man, or the maid of honor, you’ve been chosen by the bride and groom to speak publicly about them. This means they care about you, but it also means that they trust you, so don’t blow it! This wedding is all about them, it’s not about you. Everything you say needs to be tied back to them. Think of it this way: the bride and groom are the stars of the show and you have a walk on role. Very often, a person’s first time in front of a microphone is as a best man or a maid of honor, so let’s walk through my Top 10 ingredients for a killer wedding toast no one will ever forget.

Breathing is Everything -001

The #1 goal of this podcast series is to help you transform your speaking voice and to help you learn how to be heard. At the root of all vocal training and speaker coaching is one basic thing: how you breathe. How well you breathe is directly related to the quality and versatility of your speaking voice. Singers know this. Politicians on the campaign trail know this. Voice over and broadcast talent know this and by the end of this first episode, you will, too. All you need to do is break some old habits and learn some valuable new ones. For a free tip-sheet on breathing, just click here.

The Speaker Coach Trailer

Do you like your speaking voice?  Do you know how to use it?  I’m Candy O’Terry, The Speaker Coach and I’ve got the skillset to help you transform your voice and take your message to the next level.  Great communicators know how to get people’s attention, to command a room, and captivate an audience. Coaching women and men about how to be heard is my specialty. From the perfect wedding toast to a killer keynote address, I’ll share a lifetime of knowledge with you. My background?  I’m an award-winning major market radio broadcaster and podcaster, voiceover pro, MC, public speaker, singer, speechwriter and speaker coach.  Press that download button and let’s get you speaking like a pro.