Category Archives: Episodes

How to Moderate A Panel -024

Congratulations! You’ve been asked to moderate a panel. This is a big deal because this invitation means that you are viewed as a leader, someone who can manage, people, has a broad grasp of the subject matter, and can hold their own in front of a crowd. Once the glow of this vote of confidence wears off, you might be wondering exactly how to pull this off. Coach Candy to the rescue with 7 tips that will guide you in your planning and brand you as a skilled moderator. If you’ve got 9 minutes and 20 seconds, and you want to crush this opportunity to shine as a communicator, go ahead and hit that download button. #publicspeaking #thespeakercoach

Present Like a Pro, part 2 -023

No matter what field you are in, the ability to be a compelling presenter is one of the keys to your success. The opportunity to present to a group, whether large or small, in-person or virtually is a big deal because you are viewed as someone whose ideas have value. In this episode, I’ll add some polish and shine to your presentation skills so that you can take your career to the next level.

Present Like a Pro, part 1 -022

Being asked to present is a huge compliment because it means that your ideas and knowledge are valued. When you present to your colleagues, a board of directors, or a ballroom full of people, all eyes and ears are upon you. Your status is elevated and you are considered an expert on a topic, even if it’s just for 15 minutes! But what are the keys to a great presentation? In this two part episode, I’ll walk you through my first 5 tips, designed to help you lay a strong foundation as an exceptional presenter.

What Happens When We Talk Too Much? -021

This episode is about something we are all guilty of: talking too much. The question is: what impression do we give to others when we just can’t stop talking? The answer shouldn’t surprise you: they tune out. Talking too much often comes from trying too hard and lacking confidence. In this quick tutorial, I’ll explain the secret to stopping behaviors that do not serve you and give you some valuable tips on how to use the power of the pause, and the sound of silence to up your communications game. Following Candy O’s 3 C’s is a good place to start: be clear, be concise, be conversational. Enough said. Hit that download button and start listening!

10 Interview Tips -020

The pandemic has changed how we work, and how we interview for a job. Your virtual presence now plays a huge role in your ability to be successful. In the virtual world, we have to work harder to connect with someone because many of the body language clues available to us in a face-to-face interview just aren’t there and that makes it hard to catch somebody’s vibe and read their energy. In this podcast, I’ve come up with 10 tips including mastering the nuts and bolts of your virtual platform, staging, lighting, how you look, how you sound, and even how to lose that annoying filler word. Go ahead and hit that download button so you can Rock that Interview! #interviewskills #communications #thespeakercoach

How To Say NO -019

Do you know how to say “no”? The truth is, we all fall short in this department because we want to be liked. This is especially true for women who are socialized to nurture, to make peace, and to smooth things out, to say YES even when we really want to say NO. In this episode, we’ll explore my 5 “How to say NO” scenarios and you’ll learn that when you agree to do things that don’t belong on our plate, it overflows and instead of looking like a great team player, you appear scattered, overwhelmed and over your head. In fact, saying when “no” is the correct answer in an important part of becoming a leader. Hit that download button and you’ll be saying “no” in no time.

What’s In A Name -018

What’s in a name? Believe it or not, having a good name, meaning a good sounding, easy to remember name really matters. In fact, if you don’t have one, it could be holding you back. In this episode, we’ll reveal the names of some very famous people who made the wise decision to change their names. Plus, I’ll explain why names with three and five syllables are the most memorable and why a hyphenated names but be well-intentioned, but they are the kiss of death when it comes to being memorable. How can you craft your very own great sounding name that no one will forget? Just hit that download button.

The Art of the Business Card Exchange -017

Everyone starts out a new year with the best of intentions. One of the most effective ways to set yourself apart as a communicator is to know how to do things that others might not know how to do, don’t understand, or can’t appreciate. Many people don’t believe that having a business card matters anymore. As your speaker coach and a certified protocol consultant, I’m here to tell you that business cards do matter and there is a right and a wrong way to exchange them. In this episode, I’ll tell you a little bit about where the business card originated and the art of the business card exchange.

The Rules of Toasting -016

Just in time for the holidays, this episode is all about the history and the rules of toasting. Toasting is a ritual that dates back to the ancient Greeks who would raise a glass of wine, or blood, as a gift to the gods. Fortunately for us, champagne is the drink of choice for most toasts these days. But, there’s a right way and a wrong way to give a toast, and these rules apply in person, or if you are toasting via ZOOM. I’m a certified Protocol Consultant, so what you are about to learn in this episode will help you in any social situation.

Covid Communication Tips -015

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way we live our lives and how we do business. It has also changed the way we communicate with one another. At a time when we’ve got masks covering half of our faces, we’re 6 feet apart and avoiding physical contact, how can we create a connection with others? Trust is the foundation upon which all relationships are built. In this episode, I’ll walk you through how to create a lasting connection with someone in a hands-free world.