Monthly Archives: March 2021

Present Like a Pro, part 1 -022

Being asked to present is a huge compliment because it means that your ideas and knowledge are valued. When you present to your colleagues, a board of directors, or a ballroom full of people, all eyes and ears are upon you. Your status is elevated and you are considered an expert on a topic, even if it’s just for 15 minutes! But what are the keys to a great presentation? In this two part episode, I’ll walk you through my first 5 tips, designed to help you lay a strong foundation as an exceptional presenter.

What Happens When We Talk Too Much? -021

This episode is about something we are all guilty of: talking too much. The question is: what impression do we give to others when we just can’t stop talking? The answer shouldn’t surprise you: they tune out. Talking too much often comes from trying too hard and lacking confidence. In this quick tutorial, I’ll explain the secret to stopping behaviors that do not serve you and give you some valuable tips on how to use the power of the pause, and the sound of silence to up your communications game. Following Candy O’s 3 C’s is a good place to start: be clear, be concise, be conversational. Enough said. Hit that download button and start listening!