Monthly Archives: February 2021

10 Interview Tips -020

The pandemic has changed how we work, and how we interview for a job. Your virtual presence now plays a huge role in your ability to be successful. In the virtual world, we have to work harder to connect with someone because many of the body language clues available to us in a face-to-face interview just aren’t there and that makes it hard to catch somebody’s vibe and read their energy. In this podcast, I’ve come up with 10 tips including mastering the nuts and bolts of your virtual platform, staging, lighting, how you look, how you sound, and even how to lose that annoying filler word. Go ahead and hit that download button so you can Rock that Interview! #interviewskills #communications #thespeakercoach

How To Say NO -019

Do you know how to say “no”? The truth is, we all fall short in this department because we want to be liked. This is especially true for women who are socialized to nurture, to make peace, and to smooth things out, to say YES even when we really want to say NO. In this episode, we’ll explore my 5 “How to say NO” scenarios and you’ll learn that when you agree to do things that don’t belong on our plate, it overflows and instead of looking like a great team player, you appear scattered, overwhelmed and over your head. In fact, saying when “no” is the correct answer in an important part of becoming a leader. Hit that download button and you’ll be saying “no” in no time.