Monthly Archives: November 2020

Presence -014

No matter who I’m coaching, no matter what industry he or she works in, there is one everyone wants: presence. There’s a certain magic in the word, don’t you think? The idea of possessing presence is a little controversial, because there are some experts who believe that you are born with it and others who believe it’s a skill you can acquire over time, with practice. One thing we can all agree on is: presence gives you star power. In this episode of The Speaker Coach, we take a deep dive into what presence really is, including who has it, and how you can get some for yourself. For a tip sheet on the 6 components of what I call Star Power, just click here. #publicspeaking #executivepresence #leadership

How To Be Heard in a Meeting -013

Have you ever been in a meeting and you feel like your voice is just not being heard? Coach Candy to the rescue with some tips and techniques that will help you be heard, and noticed in a meeting. This episode is focused on women, because it is harder for us to be heard than it is for men. Why? Because testosterone makes men’s voices deeper and that depth creates command of the room. What’s a woman to do? Hit that download button and find out.