Monthly Archives: October 2020

Voicemail -012

Consider this episode a brief tutorial on voicemail best practices, including how to create a memorable outgoing message, and how to leave the kind of message for someone else that guarantees a call back. Like any other communication skill, there’s an art to voicemail. Your outgoing message is like a verbal first impression, a calling card, a snapshot of who you are. Messages we leave for others can work for or against us. The fact is, it only takes 5 seconds to make a first impression and in the case of voicemail, the person can’t see you, so 100% of their impression is based on the tone of your voice and the quality of your content. Do yourself a favor and listen to your current outgoing message and ask yourself the question: “can I make this better?” Chances are, you can! Hit that download button and in minutes, you can add “voicemail pro” to your growing list of communications skills.