Monthly Archives: August 2020

Masks & Your Ability to Communicate -010

Current CDC regulations are designed to help us stop the spread of COVID-19, but wearing a mask affects our ability to communicate effectively. In this episode, you’ll learn how to harness your body language as well as your vocal ability to break through a mask that is covering half of your face. From reminders about the importance of first impressions to the idea that your eyes really can smile, consider this episode 7 minutes of mask wearing wisdom that will make you a better communicator. Sound good?

Mastering Your Elevator Pitch -009

There’s a new expectation in our world when it comes to communicating. What you say needs to be fast because nobody has time anymore. That’s why getting really efficient at expressing yourself in a short period of time is such a valuable communication skill. What is an elevator pitch? It’s a clear but memorable description of an idea or concept, explained in simple terms, in a short period of time…anywhere from 30 seconds to 2 minutes…the time it would take for a ride in an elevator. An elevator pitch can also be a way to explain a person’s unique skillset, worth, goals, to a decision maker, or a valued connection, in a memorable way, in a short period of time. What is the key word in both of these descriptions? That’s right: memorable.