Monthly Archives: July 2020

Zoom Like A Pro -008

Raise your hand if you are sick of Zoom? Me, too. The fact is, millions of people have been working remotely throughout the pandemic and it is likely that even when things get back to normal, virtual meetings will be an accepted way of doing business. Great communicators have to be agile in any setting, so I’ve created an episode that will help you Zoom like a pro. I’ll walk you through how to master the platform in your Zoom settings so that you look and sound better with tips on what equipment to buy, how to stage your background, how to bring your energy to a Zoom session and how to connect with an audience in a virtual world. I’ll even let you in on one of my tried and true broadcast secrets that will take your skills to the next level. For a free tip sheet on this episode, just click here. #Zoom #logitech #blueyeti #musiciansfriend #publicspeaking

How To Take Care Of Your Voice -007

If you use your voice to earn a living, you really need to learn how to take care of it. Over use of your speaking voice causes strain and can damage your vocal cords, also known as vocal folds. In this quick episode, we learn a little bit about the anatomy of your voice, what causes vocal disorders, and how to make sure you keep your voice in good shape. The truth is: public speakers, singers, actors, broadcasters, politicians and anyone who works in a noisy environment are at higher risk for vocal fatigue and damage. Don’t let that happen!

Microphones -006

This episode is all about microphones and how to use them. As a recording artist and major market broadcaster, I always like to tell people that I’ve never met a microphone I didn’t love! But that’s not true for most people. Being handed a microphone, or stepping up to one that is fixed to a podium can be daunting and unfortunately, most people just don’t know how to use them. In this episode, we’ll fix that problem by teaching you how to hold a microphone, and what types of microphones you are likely to come in contact with as a public speaker. Trust me, some mics are better than others.